Download the server, buy the app, install both, go. Thats it, seriously. I had a streaming remote video camera set up on my iPhone 4 in less than 2 minutes of discovering this product. A few minutes later Im also viewing the video on my iPad. Little more tinkering (firewalls and such) and the whole thing is completely mobile and I can be anywhere on my iPad watching the video from my spare iPhone 3 that is now my surveillance cam. The app could use some minor improvements, but Im sure theyll come over time.
Here are some specific suggestions for improvement:
1. Timestamping - Add some sort of timestamp (more precise is better) to the receiving end, and to recordings.
2. "LIVE" feed indication - SInce the video is so clean, it is often difficult to tell if the remote is even working. A positive indicator such as a green light or the word "LIVE" on the client side would help. Of course the indicator would need to track the transmission state and not just presume that the feed is live just because there is "some signal". Ive had the video stop (alert interruptions, sleep, etc.) yet the iPhone remains visible in the server display and the video window remains visible as well.
3. Option to disable sleep and screensaver on device.
4, Option to "lock focus" or at least disable autofocus seeking, which messes up the movement dection feature quite often.
OVERALL: This server/app combo rox sox and everyone that even thinks they might want a webcam type thing should get it.
Cobrasnet about AirBeam